This is a series I really wanted to love, because I absolutely adore animation and sci-fi, and shows that take risks, and although this ticks all those boxes, it just didn’t do it for me!
Firstly, it was ensemble show, whereas I think it would have benefited from a central protagonist. Secondly, none of those characters were really that likeable, with one of them being downright despicable. To top it all off, the formula of ‘monster of the week’ storytelling got pretty boring pretty fast. Every episode was the same challenge, but in a different guise. Yawn. The artwork was cool though, which is sometimes enough! But not this time. Even if it does get another season, I won’t be watching.
I finished watching Shogun.
It was slow to get good, and massively overrated! I think the high expectations were part of the reason I wasn’t as impressed with it as I may have been, and in terms of Samurai based TV shows, it was no where near as enjoyable as Blue Eyed Samurai (which I loved). It’s definitely a show where perseverance is required. I wouldn’t recommend it to the casual viewer to be honest; I think you need to have an affinity for Samurai movies and the tropes of that genre to fully enjoy the show. As for historical accuracy? I have no idea! As a viewing experience, it was alright though. People seemed to have loved it, which is fine by me. It’s by no means a bad show, but I wasn’t as taken with it as others. |
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